
T. Sugathananda Thero.
- An average person lives about 28,000 days. Money spent can always be earned back, but the moment time is spent, it is gone forever. So be wise
- NASA took 10 years & $12 million to develop a pen that worked at zero gravity. The Russians used a pencil. Focus on solutions & not problems
- Blind from birth Steve Morris decided to use his gift of hearing and impacted the world as Stevie Wonder. Stop grumbling and use what you do have.
- Never ever give something with a catch. Manipulation is the surest way of destroying a relationship. Give without expecting anything in return.
- Marriage is like getting a phone call at midnight; first you get a ring, then you wake up!! Work on your marriage, it is definitely worth it.
- Don’t “Love Things and Use People; but Use Things and Love People.” Many people come and go, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.
- Children are all different. What thrills one bothers another. Parents, resist the urge to label before you study the uniqueness of your child.
- If you’re satisfied with just what’s good, you’ll never have the best. The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little EXTRA
- IN YOUR LIFE: The ugliest personality trait is SELFISHNESS. The most crippling disease is FEAR and the most beautiful attire, is a SMILE.
- The most dangerous vice in life is GOSSIP. The greatest shot in the arm is ENCOURAGEMENT, and the most worthless emotion is, SELFPITY.
- Always keep your attitudes in check. Attitudes can be like baby diapers: Periodically they need to be changed, if not they start to stink!
- The door to the past is shut and the key thrown away. The future is not here yet. Tomorrow will be shaped by what you do today, so do it well.
- Mothers are extremely important in our world. Which prove true the saying “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.”
- Immediate forgiveness is the key to controlling your anger when you are hurt. A grudge is one thing that does not get better when it is nursed.
- Adultery, is taking someone else’s spouse for our pleasure. Don’t ruin innocent children’s lives forever because of momentary selfish desire.
- Most get married more for what they can get, than for what they can give. Success comes ONLY by trying to put the other’s needs first.
- In marriage learn to be patients and open to change. Once you change your steps in the marriage dance, your mate will begin go adjust theirs.
- It is said “to err is human.” He who makes no mistakes, makes nothing. Remember, that you can make your failures the pillars of your success.
- In the final analysis of your life, you won’t be asked what your highest salary was – but if you compromised your character obtain it
- What was called modesty is now called prudish; what was called indecent is now called adult. Is modernism redefining your moral standards?
- If gaining and maintaining a high standard of living leaves you no time for nourishing the lives of your children – your standard is too high.
- An alcoholic who keeps drinking
, the liar who keeps lying or the thief who keeps stealing must note that – continuous bad choices kill success.
- No clever arrangement of bad eggs ever made a good omelette. Likewise, a good marriage needs two good, giving and accepting people. Are you?
- Treat those around you with compassion, love and dignity. To handle yourself – use your head. To handle others use your heart.
- In marriage, no one can meet all your needs all the time. So, lessen your dependence on your mate and be patient as neither of you is perfect.
- John Peemberton’s headache syrup was accidentally mixed with carbonated water and Coca Cola was born. Mistakes can become pillars to your success.
- Holding a grudge messes up all your relationships. A grudge is one thing that does not get better when it is nursed.
- Whatever you have dreamed of doing, it is time to just do it. Time is an equal opportunity employer, but how you treat time is not equal.
- To get ahead in life, do two things well. Make decisions and have the discipline to follow through. Don’t cross your heart and hope aimlessly!!!
- Whatever you may lose please don’t lose your temper – it may be a costly loss. Please note that “Anger” is only one letter short of “Danger”
- Are you a gossip? I sincerely hope not. Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events and Small minds discuss other people.
- What’s called self–indulgence is now self–fulfillments; what’s called living together is now called a meaningful relationship. Know your values.
- You will never succeed in life if you keep looking back or keep returning to those things that messed our past. Just keep moving forever.
- If you took your kids fishing when they were young, you wouldn’t have to go HUNTING for them when they are older.
- Holding a grudge can destroy a marriage or any relationship. Don’t make a mountain of resentment out or a molehill of minor irritations.
- Stop living in the past! Life is like riding a bicycle, either you keep moving forward or you will fall down..
- Some trace their family back 300 years but don’t know where their kids were last night. Are you doing the ARGENT & neglecting the IMPORTANT?
- Life has enough mountains to be scaled. Besides climbing is very much easier when you are not carrying a burden of grudges. Let it go today.
- Your body needs downtime to heal. Even race-cars make pit stops to get adjusted. You can’t fix anything going 200 miles an hours need a break?
- “She is pretty but a real witch.” Envy is sneaky, to it praises another with a sting attached to it. Genuine praise of others makes you happy.
- As you spend much of your life at work – be happy at work. But if you’re not, either change you job or change your attitude towards your job.
- There is no short cut to perseverance & hard work. Winners are simply people who are willing to work harder than losers. Which are you?
- Is there margin for error in your life? Margin is the space between your load & your limit. I hope you load is not heavier than your limits.
- Winners simply do what losers don’t want to do & they keep doing it until they succeed.
- Everyone has problems. Even the Lion has to fight off flies. So don’t be afraid to face the music, just because you don’t like the tune.
- Remember, my friend that one of the most important trips you will ever make is, when you go the extra mile.
- You don’t have to live on overload or survival mode. Begin today to build a buffer around your schedule and enjoy the benefits of a good rest.
- When correcting a child or a subordinate, make sure the punishment suit the crime. Don’t use a bomb to kill a mosquito.
- Many people who failed did not know how close they were to success when they gave up People don’t actually fail, they just quit too easily.
- Life’s pressures can produce positive results. So to triumph over trials, stop sighing and start singing.
- Can you imagine a pilot taking off in an airplane, not knowing how to land it? Yet, some ‘fly’ through life without thinking how to ‘land’.
- Your biggest obstacles can become your biggest opportunities. The same stone that’s an obstacle to one can be a stepping stone for another.
- Are you on over load & headed for a crash? Put some margin into your life. Margin is – keeping a little reserve that you’re not using up.
- Don’t forget that ‘Big Shots’ are just “Little Shots” who kept on shooting.
- Life is water & your jobs, money & position in society are merely the cups. If you focus only that the cup, your quality of life will suffer.
- In your career your smooth talk may open a door or two, but the real test of your worth can be measured by the care you give to the job.
- During times of illness, on accident or unemployment use the time off to plan & prepare to reach a new horizon; it may be your great moment.
- Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy, to laugh, to be positive & to love others. Are you having fun yet?
- Bitterness only consumes the vessel that contains it. Are you becoming BITTER or BETTER? The choice is yours.
- Do you know that “overnight success” usually takes about 10 years? “Overnight success” can be the longest night of your life.
- “Those who walk with the wise grow wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. “Great leaders are always surrounded with wise counsel.
Impatience & anger kills good relationship that have been built over the years. That’s why real love hangs in there and works through them.
- If you want to find out how proud you are, the easiest way is to ask yourself, “How much do I dislike it when other people snub me?”
- Pleasant words bring healing. How do people feel around you? Do they feel insignificant or uplifted? Do your words build up or tear down?
- If you want to move from success to significance, you must be a blessing to others. Then you will leave a legacy behind that will outlive you.
- Are you quick to judge and condemn someone who made a mistake? Have you ruined someone because you don’t want to give them a second chance?
- Peace of mind and heart is still one of mankind’s most precious and needed commodities. Remember, PEACE floods the mind when TRUTH rules the heat.
- Are you so engrossed with life that you haven’t given attention to life after death? If not, you better find out now, later might be too late?
- There are 3 things you can do with your life. You can spend your life, waste it or invest your life in others. That’s how you leave a legacy.
- A true definition of LOVE is “benefiting others at the expense of self’.
- It’s always better to give than to receive. When you discover this you have experienced real happiness and have ‘arrived’ in life.
- When you get angry and upset about an irritating situation; remember to always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.
- Remember – Who you are, is far more important than what you do or achieve. So when it really comes down to it, who are you?
- Be extra generous with the people you love. You can give without loving; but you can NEVER love, without giving.
- In this age of increased auto accidents, please drive carefully. It’s not only cars that can be recalled by their maker!!!
- Be generous even if you have been cheated once. If you lend someone money and never see that person again, it was probably worth it!
- Happiness comes through doors you didn’t even know you left open. A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
- Take a lesson from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull and all are different colours; but they all live in the same box.
- What you sow you will reap. So, please be careful that you saw good seed and not thorns and tares, as you may have to eat your own harvest.
- Speed thrills, but kills. Please be careful as you may devastate a whole family by being careless. Friend, life is precious – handle with care.
- If you live to be 70 you live 25,550 days. Life is short, don’t waste it on bitterness; instead build you marriage, kids and those you love.
- When your eulogy is being read with your life’s actions to rehash; would you be proud of the things they say, about how you spent your “dash”?
- In the giant you’re facing real, or are you just letting the little stuff get to you? Life is NOT “all or nothing.” Do the little things first.
- In boiling water – Carrots become weak; Eggs get hard and coffee gives flavour and fragrance. In hard times are you a Carrot, Egg or Coffee Bean?
- If you want to be happy - Learn to forgive; Learn to relax; Learn the joy of sharing and Expect less from others. Choose to be happy today.
- Life will shovel dirt on you. The secret is to shake it off and take a step up. Make every bad situation a stepping stone to a successful future.
- Don’t dwell on or act on passing wrong thoughts. Your character is shaped by what your mind takes in – so don’t become a waste paper basket.
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