The Characteristics of development of a person
Prepared with the association of “Practicing loving kindness”.
1. Mind well filled with virtue
Progress through barrier, without stop
Able to be success as you wish…
2. like the blossom that bloom; in the mud forever
The reputable name will never die, if do good to the mother land.
The noble friend, like a linking golden chain together
The wise will exist in the happy state…
3. All the time for the people ever , forever
The morally good mind a heading never curved of crooked
Be up-right, straight, extremely straight to honest all
If do so, never miss either human of celestial plane; ever; never…!
4. Perform the duty perfectly
Practice virtually good by work, the mind and thoughts too
Suppress the unwholesomeness within you dear
So, will be worshiped by all; all the time…
5. when an advice is given you dear
Do not displease and hit-out dear
By acrossing the black stone wall of sin
Able to get rid of the “sansara” Dear you are in
6. Like the swan that divides milk from water
Like the novice Rahula lived in nibbana
Establish and bright the like by obeying and abiding
Try and try to reach and attain the nibbana…
Mudu=Soft Hearted
7. Uttering the words like, fierce, wave like Tsunami
To hurt one’s mind by evil word
Never; ever speak like a talkative slander
Console the hearts by words like a celestial magic-spell
8. Close in, always to pass the time and live
If one talk slander and falsehood
Always be a “heavy rain” of soft hearted word
That put-off the wild-fire of crudeness…
Anatimani = Humble
9. When comfortably dwell in glory and wealth
Like a grown banyan tree, in a deep forest
When happens to raises up and up
The pleasure will sound and echo if not be proud
10. Well grown-up in pious way
Like a bending pod of paddy
If live, heart filled with amity and humble continuously
Will be dear and pleasant to all, gods and humans…
Translated by Rev. T Sugatananda Thero
Kolonnawa Purana Raja Maha Vihara ***************************************************
Diyunuweeme lakxana
Karaneeya Meththa Suthraya asurini
1. Uthsahaye nithi galena gangula lesin
Guna warunayen sitha purawa mana lesin
Badhaka Medin Idiriyatama sithuu lesin
jayagannata hekiwei oba pathu lesin
2. Mada wagurehi pipi nelumak wilasa sada
Nama nomiyei kala kee de ratata mana
Kalana mithuru damwel purukakin gotha
Nuwanethiya wejambei sugathiye sada.
Uju/Suju=Irju/wada Irju
3. danan hata nithi sama kalata
Hithe yaha guna peratu kota
Awankawa sithamin semata
Kaloth sugathiye etha obata
4. Tama kariya nirathuru kara akuratama
Sithiwili paura nimbandawa yahaguna pinisa
Sinda binda pawitu adahas durukara sabanda
Sitiyoth dewi wandiy nirathuru obe namata
5. Awawadayak dun wita kisiwek sabanda
Serasee nodew parahata bas nithi nibanda
Keles daham paurin egodawa sabanda
Hekiwey egoda wannata sasarin sabanda
6. Thisara lesin wenkara jala diyen kira
Rahula therun wilasin wisu niwan pura
Sakasa jeewithaya keekaru bawin thara
Kala mena sambada niwanata lan wanna wera
Mudu = murdu/ralu nethi
7. Wadan thepalana wita sada rala sema
Sithak pelannata bas ralu gal sema
Kisida nokiya yuthumaya siyathun sema
Wadanin sanasanna diwa mathurak sema
8. kal yal hereemata lan wee nirathuruwa
Keelam musa bas thepaluwothin saruwa
Lew ginnak wage hamana nirathuruwa
Niwana wesi diyak wemu mudu wadanin saruwa
9. Yasa isurin wejambena senasena kalata
Wana piyasaka wedi nuga aranak lesata
Ihalata yenta yannata siduwana kalata
Udaw nowee sitiyoth rewdei sathuta
10.Mana kota pihita dahamata anuwa sadee
Peedee nemena wee karalak wilasa redee
Sitiyoth samata priyawei nirathuru labadee
Anathimaneewa inu mena yaha gunen bandee
W.P.MadukaThathsarani Kolonnawa