Mata yataniyam puttam
Ayusa eka manurakkheEvampi sabba bhutesu
Mana sambhavaye aparimanm
- (Karaniya Metta Sutta)
Just as a mother, her own child
Thy only child, protects with her own life
In similar manner, towards all beings
One should develop an unlimited thought of amity
- (The Discourse on Practicing friendliness)
Dear Dhamma Friend, Metta is the opposite of anger, ill-will or hatred. It is the positive quality of good will. Metta is a fundamental doctrine of Buddha. But Dear Dhamma friend don't misunderstood that amity is not LOVE, or AFFECTION, which is uttered as "Tanha" or attachment. Those are its near enemy. Remember there approximately hundred words were taught by the Buddha, to the word attachment or Tanha.
Amity towards oneself and towards all living being is approved by the Buddha. The well known principal or "amity thy neighbors as thyself" is here extended to all living beings without taking account of cast, creed, colour, nationality or type.
Amity means unbounded friendly feeling. It has the characteristic of beneficent or the promotion of good will. Its effect is the filling of heart with friendship and removal of hatred. It suppressed the ill-will.

Amity or friendship should be practiced in; deeds, in words and thoughts. Its essence is unbounded benevolence or friendliness. At his highest degree it reaches the whole universe to include all living beings including over the enemies, from the highest to the lowest and from the greatest to the most minute forms of life. There are no limits to practice the Amity.
Nahi verena verani
Sammantida kudacanam
Awerena ca sammanti
Esa Dhamo sanantano
Sammantida kudacanam
Awerena ca sammanti
Esa Dhamo sanantano
Hatred cannot be overcome by hatred,
Only amity will win the hatred
This is a truism from ancient time
Sugata Himi